Foxhole Wiki

Allows scouts to record map intel remotely. Press G to scout targets.
In-game description

The Radio Backpack is a utility item that allows a player to gather Map Intelligence when equipped. The Radio Backpack is held in a different inventory slot than the Radio, allowing a player to carry both a Radio and a Radio Backpack at the same time.


The Radio Backpack can be used to spot targets that will then be shown on the Map, classified in accordance with Map Intelligence. Once equipped, a player can spot targets by pressing the default Scout keybind 'G'. The spotted targets will show up on the map as 1 of the 6 Map Intelligence symbols depending on the type of threat the spotted target is.

The Radio Backpack can hold up to 5 charges at a time. 1 charge will be depleted each time a player press 'G'. 1 charge is given every 15 seconds, so a player cannot simply spam 'G'.

It is important to note that the Radio Backpack will only spot targets in the general direction that the player faces. So, a player will not be able to spot targets that are behind them; instead, they will have to turn around and spot. Walls (not Chain Link Fences) also block vision as well, so any targets behind the wall will not be spotted.

The Radio Backpack also functions like a Radio as well. Any player with the Radio Backpack equipped does not need a Radio.

Using Binoculars is advised since they extend the range of the Scout.

Radio Backpack
Radio Backpack