Foxhole Wiki

All player made structures start to suffer from decay after a grace period. Decay slowly damages structures until they're destroyed. The duration of the grace period depends on the structure type but is usually around one day. The time it takes for decay to fully destroy a structure also depends on its type but is usually around one day as well.

To prevent decay, the structure must be connected to a base (within its AI range) that has the Small Garrison IconUpgradesSmallGarrison upgrade unlocked and that is stockpiled with Garrison Supplies (bunker structures can alternatively use Bunker Supplies). The prevention slowly consumes those supplies at a rate of 2 per structure per hour. The rate is reduced to 1 if the Large Garrison IconUpgradesLargeGarrison upgrade is unlocked. The add-ons on Trenches and Bunkers do not count as separate structures.

You can check the health percentage of a structure with your hammer equipped and switched to "Upgrade Mode" (with F). Repairing a decayed structure partially resets the grace period, proportionally to how much health you repaired.

Decay affects all player placed structures, including deployed tripods and shippables (containers, emplacements, etc...). Anti-Tank Mines and unfinished structure blueprints are also affected by decay but their decay cannot be prevented. World structures (what players can't create, e.g. Garrisoned Houses, Town Bases, Resource Mines, etc...) are not affected by decay. The only exception are Border Bases due to the Frontier Border mechanic.

Rapid Decay Zone

Fast Decay Region

No-Build Zone represented in red and Rapid Decay Zone in green.

Structures built within 100m from a region border suffer from rapid decay. Trying to place a structure blueprint in that area will show you a warning. Rapid decay cannot be prevented and the grace period and decay duration are much faster (only a few hours). The only exceptions are if the structure is within the 40m radius of a Resource Field, or within the AI radius of a Border Base or World Base.

Decay Duration per Structure Type

Structure Type Grace Period in hours
(value for the husk)
Decay Duration in hours
(value for husk)
T1 Trenches 12.5 (1) 6.25 (0.75)
T2 Trenches 24.7 (0.25) 30.8 (4.5)
T3 Trenches 43.8 (44) 29.2 (29)
T1 Bunkers 12.5 (1) 6.25 (0.75)
T2 Bunkers 29.3 (0.25) 30.8 (4.5)
T3 Bunkers 75 (75) 45.5 (45)
T1 Bunker Modifications 12.5 30
T2 Bunker Modifications 30 30
T3 Bunker Modifications 75 45
T2 Engine Room 24.5 35.5
T3 Engine Room 75 68
T3 Ammo Room 72 72
Tank Trap 33 25
Barbed Wire 25 16.7
Barbed Wire Fence 25 16.7
Concrete Mixer 14.4 29
Deployed Tripod 24 24
Field Hospital 41.7 20
T1 Bunker Base 87.5 (0.66) 60 (1)
T2 Bunker Base 100 (0.33) 60.6 (2)
T3 Bunker Base 116.7 (0.66) 70 (2)
T1 Forward Base 101 (0.66) 69 (1)
T2 Forward Base 115 (0.33) 69 (2)
T3 Forward Base 134 (0.66) 80.5 (2)
Dug Foxhole 8 4
T1 Gate & Wall 8.3 10
T2 Gate & Wall 41.7 22.2
T3 Gate & Wall 90 54.5
Storm Cannon 119 67
Containers 12 24
Sign Post 25 25
Storage Box 33.3 20
Deployed Landing Ship 30 30
Watch Tower 32 20.6
Emplacement 48 24
Border Base 60 (60) 60 (1)
Fire Pit 24 24
Intelligence Center 120 60
Sandbags Cover 29 17.5
Sandbags Wall 66 40
Listening Kit 12 12
Rifle Pillbox 24 16
Machine Gun Pillbox 36 24
Anti-Tank Pillbox 48 32
Pallets 24 12
Field Bridge 5 7