Foxhole Wiki

A simple mine that is placed under terrain and fitted with a pressure-sensitive plate to detonate under the weight of heavy vehicles. Mines are visible to friendlies and enemies on foot. Mines deactivate after 48 in-game days.
In-game description

The abisme AT-99 is a placeable Anti-Tank explosive charge. The mine detonates on contact with heavier vehicles. It will detonate under both friendly and enemy vehicles.


Mines can be placed down by equipping the items into your hands. Move to your desired location in a standing position and then place it down with the "fire" key (default Left Click). The user will crouch forwards for approximately 4 seconds and then the mine will appear on the ground. Mines can't be placed less than 60m from a map-border

When placed, the mine is visible to all soldiers on foot, as well for allied vehicles. However, drivers will not be able to see enemy mines, so it is advisable to have someone on the ground scouting for mines if moving into a new area. An exception to this are mines which are placed on roads, which are always visible.

Players can dismantle landmines by crouching and using a Wrench.

Mines can never be deflected by Tank Armor and they always disable the tracks subsystem if the vehicle has it.

The damage dealt depends on where the mine detonates, the closer to the wheels/tracks, the higher the damage.

Vehicles that will detonate the mine


The Anti-Tank Mine is obtained via production in a Factory.

